Wednesday 27 January 2010

If Zorro can - I can!

Today we got the 'Antonio Banderas' story told to us. Banderas bought a new (grand needless to say) 'bodega' and was having some journalists there to interview him and take photos. He had invited some horses with their riders too. The horse-people watched a Banderas gallopping up and down, up and down. 'And that's pretty much all he did on the horse', the story teller told us. The horse-people looked at each other, they were all thinking the same - This is the great Zorro? Meanwhile one of the horse-persons were doing levadas on our fiery chestnut PRE stallion Nr 409 Banderas saw it and immidiately said - 'Give me that horse' Ok, the rider said, smilingly...Banderas sat up. Everyone were watching with great interest - can Zorro ride after all? He (Banderas) had the photographers placed in strategic locations, very close (horse people would think dangerous-close but not say it of course) and demanded them to take a GOOD shot. NOONE could leave until they had THE shot. This is the accomplishment of one BRAVE photographer for you that did not see it before, and here is me doing it today on 409. You should try it, if Banderas can do it, you can do it!

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